Sunday, April 10, 2016

Planning Commission Minutes 4/5/16 Unapproved

April 5, 2016 7:00P.M.

Planning Commission: Geoff Sewake, Rene Joly, Marilyn Magnus, Nick Comerci, Melissa Laurita Kohl
Clerk: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Public: Mike Bruton

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Geoff Sewake at 7:06pm.

  1. Additions
    1. Recommending a Zoning Administrator to the Selectboard
  2. Minutes
    1. Rene moves to approve the minutes of February 2, 2016 as amended (corrected the spelling of a last name). Geoff seconds. So moved.
    2. Rene moves to approve the minutes of March 7, 2016. Geoff seconds. So moved.
  3. Preparing for Bylaws Hearing and Setting on a Date
    1. Melissa reviewed the process for hearings and approval of the new bylaws.
    2. Copies of the bylaws have to be mailed to Planning Commission chairs of Adjacent Towns:
      1. Cabot
      2. Marshfield
      3. Groton
      4. Ryegate
      5. Barnet
      6. Danville
      7. Parks Department? Ask Alison who we should send it to (Geoff said we share a border with them).
    3. Rene moves to appoint Melissa to reach out to Alison for a hearing date and follow through with notice as appropriate. Nick seconds. So moved.
    4. Outreach
      1. Rene suggested Melissa use Google forms to collect comments on the bylaws.
  4. Melissa moves to recommend Bob Hansen as Zoning Administrator to the Selectboard. Nick seconds. So moved.
  5. Correspondence
    1. The Planning Commission reviewed correspondence.

Melissa moves to adjourn at 8:11pm. Nick seconds. So moved.

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