Monday, August 18, 2014

Tree Board Meeting 8/12/14 Minutes

Peacham Tree Board Meeting Notes
August 12, 2014
David Jacob’s Home, East Peacham

Present: Neil Monteith, David Jacobs, Bruce Maclean, Dave Stauffer, Julie Lang

Meeting began at 7:10 with all members of the Tree Board in attendance. The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

  • Debrief May tree planting and ash awareness (purple ribbons and display)
  • Follow-up on 2013 Vermont Canopy Grant (Bruce will be submitting invoices and hours)
  • Ash inventory plans for 2014 (timing and priority locations)
  • Additional EAB awareness ideas
  • Additional work for 2014/15?
    • Hackberry near PHA
    • Plantings near new PHA building
    • Maintenance
    • Peacham School plans (David J)
May Tree Planting
Participants in the May tree planting agreed it was a success with nearly 30 members of the community lending a hand to plant trees near the main intersection in Peacham village. Bruce collected the volunteer hours and will follow up with Stan Fickes and Danielle Fitzko to ensure that all necessary paperwork and invoices are submitted so the town will receive the proceeds from the $1500 grant. Stan has already paid $1100 to Northern Nurseries for the trees and $172 to Joe Layn for mulch.

Tree Health
There is some concern about the tree on the corner of Dru Powden’s property. Leaves came out and then died back. We will continue to keep an eye on it – it might have been “shocked.”

Thanks to Neil for cutting down the crabapple at Fickes’ that had died.

The hackberry at the PHA that has been in soggy soil is looking a little better with the new drainage installed for the archival building. We’ll continue to monitor its health.

Emerald Ash Borer Awareness
There was limited response to the Emerald Ash Borer Awareness efforts, which included a walk led by Neil, purple ribbons on ash trees between the three villages and a display that was up at the Town Hall and Library.

Ash Inventory
In October, we are planning to conduct a simple ash inventory to count trees in the rights of way within and between the three villages and on the main roads. This will allow us to estimate the approximate future cost of tree removal, once the borer has been discovered locally. It is likely a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if.’ We’ll continue our efforts to education through displays and an announcement at Town Meeting.

Hardwoods in the cemetery will need pruning this winter.

Priorities for 2015
We do not have a grant for 2015; we will ask for a $2000 budget for 2015 for tree planting and maintenance. If any private landowners would like trees planted in their right-of-way, we would consider doing the planting if they are willing to purchase the trees.

Yet to be determined are new plantings around the PHA Archive building and in the new Peacham School plans.

Tree Board will meet again in January 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.

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