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Town Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chair of the
Board Andy Cochran at 6:30 P.M.
Selectboard Members: Andy Cochran and Annette
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Others: Dick Blair, Cher Smith, Paul Evans, Jeremy
Withers, Mike Bruton, Dick Hovey
- Neil Monteith will call the Selectboard re: tree in the right of way when he receives a bid for the job.
- Les will update the Selectboard about filling the Planning Commission seat at the September 3rd meeting.
- Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.
- Review and approve minutes of August 6, 2014
- Annette moves to accept the minutes of August 6, 2014 hearing as written. Andy seconds. So moved.
- Annette moves to approve the minutes of August 6 with all of the changes Andy and Annette made. Andy seconds. So moved.
- Additions to the Agenda
- Old town safe (add to roller barn)
- Executive session for Jeremy for personnel (will happen when he gets here maybe 7:15pm)
- Cher Smith
- MacKenzies' concern about tree in the road right of way
- Neil Monteith is still waiting for the estimate on the tree. Someone sent a bid in the mail. Neil will call the Selectboard as soon as he has the bid.
- Cher Smith
- She has not seen a posting on the vacancy on the Planning Commission. That needs to be posted within 10 days.
- She is concerned about the June 4th minutes. Cher saw two drafts of the unapproved minutes and she wanted to express concern that the line - “Andy and Nate decide to put the meeting on hold.” - was removed from the final draft allowing the Selectboard to move forward.
- Planning Commission/ DRB Update
- Les talking to Nick Commerci to see if he would like to serve on the Planning Commission.
- Update at next meeting - September 3rd. If Nick is not able to do it, Les is going to ask Greg Schoolcraft who is also on the DRB.
- Stop sign on Peacham Groton Rd/ Peacham Barnet Rd
- Moved to after Jeremy gets here (along with the Road Foreman Update).
- County Road Box Culvert
- Started today. Andy met with landowners Bill Goss and Ed Keenan. Everything went well.
- Selectboard signed the contracts for Ross Page and Ricker’s Excavation.
- Roller Barn
- Annette moves to accept the bid of C&C Bunnell and see how soon he can start the work. Andy seconds. So moved.
- Safe - PHA has accepted the safe now that they have the new archive building. Annette makes a motion that Peacham will sell the safe to the PHA for $1 and that Andy is authorized to sign the Bill of Sale agreement. Andy seconds. So moved.
- Executive Session for legal matters
- Annette moves to go into Executive Session for legal reasons for 7:04pm.
- Andy moves to come out of Executive Session at 7:07pm. No action taken.
- Stop Sign
- Jeremy talked to Shauna about stop sign. In order to put in a new stop sign the town must revise the stop sign ordinance for that intersection. Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.
- Shauna said that most likely the intersection was engineered a certain way for a reason.
- Update from Road Foreman Jeremy Withers
- Private roads need to follow rules around signage but the owners have to pay for the signs themselves.
- Box Culvert - Jeremy going is going to hire Classens for the crane work.
- Executive Session for personnel matters
- Andy moves to go into executive session at 7:45pm for personnel matters.
- Andy moves to come out of executive session at 8pm.
- Review and approve bills
- The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
- Review correspondence
- The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.
Annette moves to adjourn at 8:12pm. Andy seconds.
So moved.
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