Monday, August 25, 2014

Selectboard Meeting 8/20/14 Minutes

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Town Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Andy Cochran at 6:30 P.M.

Selectboard Members: Andy Cochran and Annette Lorraine
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Others: Dick Blair, Cher Smith, Paul Evans, Jeremy Withers, Mike Bruton, Dick Hovey

  1. Neil Monteith will call the Selectboard re: tree in the right of way when he receives a bid for the job.
  2. Les will update the Selectboard about filling the Planning Commission seat at the September 3rd meeting.
  3. Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.

  1. Review and approve minutes of August 6, 2014
    1. Annette moves to accept the minutes of August 6, 2014 hearing as written. Andy seconds. So moved.
    2. Annette moves to approve the minutes of August 6 with all of the changes Andy and Annette made. Andy seconds. So moved.

  1. Additions to the Agenda
    1. Old town safe (add to roller barn)
    2. Executive session for Jeremy for personnel (will happen when he gets here maybe 7:15pm)
    3. Cher Smith

  1. MacKenzies' concern about tree in the road right of way
    1. Neil Monteith is still waiting for the estimate on the tree. Someone sent a bid in the mail. Neil will call the Selectboard as soon as he has the bid.

  1. Cher Smith
    1. She has not seen a posting on the vacancy on the Planning Commission. That needs to be posted within 10 days.
    2. She is concerned about the June 4th minutes. Cher saw two drafts of the unapproved minutes and she wanted to express concern that the line - “Andy and Nate decide to put the meeting on hold.” - was removed from the final draft allowing the Selectboard to move forward.

  1. Planning Commission/ DRB Update
    1. Les talking to Nick Commerci to see if he would like to serve on the Planning Commission.
    2. Update at next meeting - September 3rd. If Nick is not able to do it, Les is going to ask Greg Schoolcraft who is also on the DRB.

  1. Stop sign on Peacham Groton Rd/ Peacham Barnet Rd
    1. Moved to after Jeremy gets here (along with the Road Foreman Update).

  1. County Road Box Culvert
    1. Started today. Andy met with landowners Bill Goss and Ed Keenan. Everything went well.
    2. Selectboard signed the contracts for Ross Page and Ricker’s Excavation.

  1. Roller Barn
    1. Annette moves to accept the bid of C&C Bunnell and see how soon he can start the work. Andy seconds. So moved.
    2. Safe - PHA has accepted the safe now that they have the new archive building. Annette makes a motion that Peacham will sell the safe to the PHA for $1 and that Andy is authorized to sign the Bill of Sale agreement. Andy seconds. So moved.

  1. Executive Session for legal matters
    1. Annette moves to go into Executive Session for legal reasons for 7:04pm.
    2. Andy moves to come out of Executive Session at 7:07pm. No action taken.

  1. Stop Sign
    1. Jeremy talked to Shauna about stop sign. In order to put in a new stop sign the town must revise the stop sign ordinance for that intersection. Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.
    2. Shauna said that most likely the intersection was engineered a certain way for a reason.

  1. Update from Road Foreman Jeremy Withers
    1. Private roads need to follow rules around signage but the owners have to pay for the signs themselves.
    2. Box Culvert - Jeremy going is going to hire Classens for the crane work.

  1. Executive Session for personnel matters
    1. Andy moves to go into executive session at 7:45pm for personnel matters.
    2. Andy moves to come out of executive session at 8pm.

  1. Review and approve bills
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
    2. It is okay with Annette if Andy signs a warrant to pay Bill Ricker the first third for the excavation of the County Road Box Culvert. Andy is in favor.

  1. Review correspondence
    1. The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.

Annette moves to adjourn at 8:12pm. Andy seconds. So moved.

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