20, 2016
David Jacobs & Annette
to the Board: Melissa Laurita
Diana Senturia,
Road Foreman Jeremy Withers
The meeting was called to order by Chair Annette Lorraine at 7:40A.M.
- Additions
- No additions
- Minutes
- The minutes from the Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission on 12/13/16 will be formally approved at the Planning Commission next's meeting. Annette made a couple of additions to those minutes for the Planning Commission to review.
- David moves to approve the minutes of 1/5/17 with minor edits. Annette seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- Highway Department Update
- Jeremy said that there have been a few breakdowns that they have been fixing.
- Troy is filling in as needed.
- The roads have a large amount of ice on them. The ice blades on the graders can't touch it and seem to make it worse. Jeremy said that there is at least 2 inches of ice on the roads and that people need to slow down.
- The equipment is getting old so the road crew has been having some re-occuring problems.
- Diana wondered if the town could find road equipment on ebay like she did for the Fire Department equipment. She got a great deal from another fire station. Jeremy said that they could if it's a good deal.
- Potential Ice Skating Rink on Town Tennis Court
- Annette does not think it would cause any structural issues and does not have a problem with it.
- David is fine with it as long as it is flagged off when it is not skateable.
- Purchasing Policy
- Annette asked David if he was fine with the final draft. He was.
- Annette moves to accept the Revised Purchasing Policy. David seconds. All in favor. So moved.
- Planning Commission Update
- Melissa said that the town plan expires on 3/1/17 so the bylaws need to be approved by then as it will take the Planning Commission at least 1.5 – 2 years to finalize a new version. She said she is still waiting to hear back about whether or not the Village Center Designation can be renewed before then. If so, David and Annette would like to move forward with the renewal. If not, Alison Low of NVDA will work with the Planning Commission to make sure our town plan qualifies for the designation and she will help us re-apply.
- Melissa said that they are finalizing the community survey and she will email it to the Selectboard to see if they would like to add anything.
- Heating Grants
- Annette said that she was unable to attend the school board meeting but that Jock Gill did and reported back. She brought the “A Practical Guide to Modern Woodheating” document from Adam Sherman, the expert for the State. Annette would like to invite him to survey the town hall and write a report to see what the town would need to heat with biomass. With this report the town would be able to apply for grants.
- The installation is a lot more expensive than replacing the boiler but there is an immediate cost savings on fuel and potentially you can recover that expense quickly.
- Jock thought that the town might be able to get away with the largest residential unit, which is much cheaper than a commercial model.
- Review & Approve Bills
- The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
- Rebecca presented a receipt for a credit card purchase. This is the new town credit card tied to a smaller high risk bank account.
- Review Correspondence
- The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.
- Annette signed the contract with the Caledonia County Sheriff's Department.
moves to adjourn at 8:45A.M. Annette seconds. All in favor. So moved.
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