Monday, August 8, 2016

Selectboard Meeting 8/3/16 Unapproved Minutes

August 3, 2016

Selectboard: David Jacobs, Annette Lorraine, Tim Scott
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl was not present but she has submitted these minutes based on an audio recording of the meeting
Public: Mike Bruton, Dick Hovey, Road Foreman Jeremy Withers

The meeting was called to order by Chair Annette Lorraine at 6:38P.M.

  1. Additions
    1. Frank Miller/ PAMFest
    2. Special Event
    3. Dick Hovey
  2. Minutes
    1. The minutes will be approved at next meeting.
  3. Frank submitted a letter to the Selectboard about PAMFest and the Selectboard discussed it. It is the same letter that has been submitted in past years about how PAMFest utilizes town resources and its plan for bathroom facilities, parking, insurance, etc. Frank expressed gratitude for the electrical work that is being completed outside of the town hall (additional outlets on the tennis court).
  4. Dick Hovey discussed the snow rollers that will be added this year and next, making Peacham's snow roller the location of the most snow rollers. Dick discussed – this year he is receiving a new roller from Troy, making the snow roller barn the most rollers. Next year receiving the smallest roller he ever saw. As far as he is concerned there are things to do at the building – a faceboard up top that's open now; the doors are big and heavy and they fall down;
    1. David said that officially we are done with work for the roller barn this year but suggested it might be added to the budget for next year or it could be fundraised for.
  5. Village Pathway – David has not had a chance to look at it yet so this topic is postponed.
  6. Mill Terrace Bridge- The cost to replace the bridge decking costs $6500 for lumber and to install. Annette suggested that the Selectboard might keep the bridge and replace the decking when needed and change the classification for the rest of the road so Jeremy does not have to plow it (as it is not
  7. Caledonia Spirits Special Events Permit – The Selectboard approved the permit to be signed by Tom. In the past, the Selectboard gave Tom the authority to sign special events permits.
  8. Highway Department Update
    1. The paving will be done in due time, but the paver is delayed as he is busy.
    2. Jeremy wanted to put an ad in paper or post notice about the road being closed during the day while the work is being done on East Peacham Road. Jeremy will put up road signs and Melissa will post about it on facebook and Front Porch Forum.
    3. Annette moves that the Selectboard authorize Jeremy to sign a contract for estimated 400 tons of salt. David seconds. All in favor. So moved.
    4. Jeremy did receive a complaint as they did not use chloride on a road after grading. The chloride truck needed repairs and will be up and running shortly.
    5. Jeremy brought up the idea of the road crew hiring a laborer, which he had discussed with the Selectboard in the past. They discussed possibilities as Jeremy reminded them that the person who plowed on an as needed basis was not available this winter so they would need to hire someone for that. Annette asked Jeremy to write up a job description.
    6. When the Selectboard moved to discontinue Taylor Rd, Annette said that she would notice the VT Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation because that is what it said in the orange book but it does not apply to discontinuing roads like Taylor Rd. It had to do with ancient roads (not listed on official maps). The Selectboard resigned the document about discontinuing Taylor Road without the language about noticing the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.
  9. Review & Approve Bills
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
  10. Review Correspondence
    1. The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.

Annette moves to adjourn at 7:45P.M. David seconds. All in favor. So moved.

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