Monday, May 16, 2016

Selectboard Meeting 5/4/16 Minutes

I apologize for the delay in posting these minutes. We were having technical problems and could not access blogger, but the minutes were made available at the town clerk's office.

May 4, 2016

Selectboard: David Jacobs, Annette Lorraine, & Tim Scott
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Public: Mike Bruton, Road Foreman Jeremy Withers

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Annette Lorraine at 6:33P.M.

  1. Additions
    1. No additions

  1. Minutes
    1. Tim moves to approve the minutes of 4/20/16. Annette seconds. So moved. All in favor.

  1. Town Highway Department
    1. Peacham received the Class 2 Roadway Paving Grant. Jeremy will stockpile gravel from the project at the transfer station in an out of the way location. By the next meeting, Jeremy will try to have an RFP for bids on part of the work ready for the Selectboard to review.
    2. Jeremy reminded the Selectboard that the loader was past its predicted life span by about 30%. He said that it is going to probably be about $100,000 to replace and the town might be able to get $30,000 for the old one. Tom said that due to tax sales and reduced education liability, the town should be $60,000 ahead this year, so should be able to purchase the loader without an increase in taxes.
    3. David said that he has received incredible praise for the road crew and he wanted to pass that along.

  1. Roller Barn Progress
    1. David said that there are barn boards up there and the beam was installed. Ray said he will finish by end of May.

  1. Potential electrical work for exterior of town office building
    1. David had another contractor look at it yesterday. Will have his estimate by the next meeting and will add it to the agenda.

  1. Hazard Mitigation Plan committee suggestions
    1. Melissa will post a volunteer add on bulletin boards and online. She checked in with Bruce Melendy for a little more details.

  1. Town Clerk Update
    1. Tom said he is finishing up recommendations from the 2011 audit. He said that the town is going to try to start taking money online via credit cards for permits, taxes, etc.
    2. Tom is writing a how to handle cash policy. He would like to add the following to the next meeting agenda: re-adopting policies in the policy binder that are not signed.
    3. Annette wants to increase fines for dogs as the current fines do not cover the costs associated with fining someone.
  2. Vilandre-Cavanaugh Taylor Road discussion and new potential public access opportunity
    1. They would like to discontinue the class 3 section and the legal trail section of Taylor Road that runs through their property for the safety of their family (vandalism is regular) and for the safety of stranded motorists following GPS or google maps. They believe they found a way to make it a win win situation for the town as well. In addition to saving the town about $3,000 a year in road maintenance on the Class 3 portion of road, they would like to give a 3 acre parcel that contains a historic site to the town of Peacham. They are willing to pay for the initial development costs to create a recreational area, with walking trail past old mill foundations, a couple of swimming holes and fishing access, parking, and an ADA compliant access for individuals with mobility access.
    2. The Selectboard and the public discussed the site. They all agreed that it has historical significance. Dale Roy shared stories of when the mills were still operating on that site when he was a kid.
    3. The Selectboard decided to conduct a site visit as it was still light out.
  3. Review & Approve Bills
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
  4. Review Correspondence
    1. The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.
  5. Field trip to Peacham-Danville Road/Taylor Road area to see proposed public access opportunity.
    1. Ed and Marty gave a tour of the site. It was a beautiful location with a lot of possibilities. The Selectboard thought that it would be a good opportunity for the town and its residents.
    2. David moves to discontinue Taylor Rd from Peacham Danville Rd, including the Class 3 (rd #18) and legal trail (rd #1) sections, to the boundary of the Vilandre-Cavanaugh property line. Tim seconds. So moved. All in favor.
    3. David moves to discontinue Mill Terrace Road (rd #82) from the Peacham Barnet Rd to the north side of the bridge. Tim seconds. So moved. All in favor.

Annette moves to adjourn at 8:18P.M. David seconds. So moved.

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