Dear Citizens,
The Peacham School budget is seeing a significant increase this year. This is due to several things. One important item that all community members need to be aware of, is that under Act 46, the state has set an allowable growth cap for school districts. Above the growth cap spending is penalized with double taxation. There are components of Act 46 that I feel can benefit school systems. This is not one of them. Peacham’s increases to the school budget are due to factors outside of the districts control, increased tuition costs, increased health insurance premiums and negotiated salary agreements. These are all factors increasing the Peacham budget that we have no control over; yet the community will be taxed double and penalized as a result of these increases. The major contributing factor to the increase in the budget is $139,500.00 in tuition costs. To avoid the tax penalty we will need to cut $148,417.00 from the budget. We take these matters very seriously. As a result of these circumstances facing double taxation. The board has reduced the principal position to 50%, where it traditionally had been. This change will take place for the 2016-2017 school year. The board and administration will continue to try and find ways to reduce the budget. However this is a challenging task in a small school, with limited personnel and resources.
The House and Senate education committees are meeting this week (1/11/16) to discuss a possible repeal of the allowable growth cap and the tax penalty. If you are concerned about this, I strongly encourage you to reach out to your legislators and voice your concerns. I’m worried about the ramifications the tax penalty will have on the educational programing of the children in our communities, should deep cuts occur. Sound rational decisions should drive budgetary cuts. With board and community members facilitating these discussions, being mindful of how these cuts may impact their children and their communities. When we begin cutting programs and teachers solely to avoid a tax penalty imposed on communities’, children, families and communities lose.
Dr. Mathew G Forest
Legislator’s Contact information:
Marcia Martel- mmartel@leg.state.vt.us State Rep
Catherine Toll- kittytoll@live.com State Rep
Scott Beck- sbeck@leg.state.vt.us State Rep
Chip Troiano- chiptroiano@gmail.com State Rep
Jane Kitchel- janek45@hotmail.com Senator
Joe Benning -jbenning@leg.state.vt.us Senator
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