Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Selectboard Meeting 7/15/15 Unapproved Minutes

Please note that this set of unapproved minutes represents the bare minimum of what is legally required. I will edit and post more comprehensive minutes shortly.

Town Hall Meeting Room
Wednesday July 15, 2015 6:30PM

Selectboard: Annette Lorraine, Nate Giroux, and David Jacobs
Clerk to the Selectboard: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Public: Road Foreman Jeremy Withers, Mike Bruton, Bill Cody, Dick Hovey, Rick Scholes, Marty Cavanaugh, Jock Gill, Cheryl Stevenson, Dale Roy

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Nate Giroux at 6:37PM.

  1. Additions
    1. Bill Cody
    2. Roller Barn/ Dick Hovey
    3. PAMFest/ Frank Miller Letter

  1. Review and Approve Minutes of 7/1/15
    1. Nate moves to approve the minutes of 7/1/15 as ammended. David seconds. So moved.

  1. Roller Barn/ Dick Hovey

  1. Solar Days at the Transfer Station
    1. David moves to all solar days at the transfer stations. Annette seconds. So moved.

  1. Bill Cody
    1. Nate moves to sign the petition from GMP for Bill Cody’s power to his property. David seconds. Annette abstains. So moved.

  1. Policy Review for Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting
    1. Annette moved to approve the Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Policy as amended. Nate seconds. So moved.

  1. Personnel Policies
    1. Annette moves to change our insurance plan for our employees to offer both individual and spousal coverage for our employees. David seconds. So moved.

  1. Town Clerk Update

  1. Highway Department Update

  1. PAMFest/ Letter from Frank Miller
    1. Nate moves to approve the use of town facilities as per Frank Miller’s letter for PAMfest. David seconds. So moved.

  1. Review and approve bills
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.

  1. Review correspondence
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved correspondence.

Transfer Station Attendant is Paul MunKittrick

Annette moves to adjourn at 9:08pm. Nate seconds. So moved.

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