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Town Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 6:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Andy Cochran at 6:32 P.M.
Selectboard Members: Andy Cochran, Nate Giroux and Annette Lorraine
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Others: Dick Blair, Neil Monteith, Jeremy Withers, Mike Bruton, Dick Hovey, Judith Markey, Nancy Bundgus, Jock Gill, Anna Rubin, Concerned Parent
1. The Selectboard will check with Cindy in regards to transfer station numbers for Wednesdays in August.
2. Neil Monteith will talk with Town Clerk, Stan Fickes, and Jenny and John Mackenzie about tree removal on Governor Mattocks Road.
3. Melissa will find the contract for the Sheriff's office.
4. Nate will go with Dick Hovey to look at lumber for the roller barn floor.
5. Melissa will check with Stan to have a year to date budget to review for next meeting.
6. Annette will email Jeremy about school zone signs from the State.
7. The Selectboard will advertise for a Road Crew position in the Caledonia, Times Argus, and Hardwick Gazette. May also post it at the PNH Truck-stop in Wells River.
1. Review and approve minutes
a) Annette moves to approve the minutes of August 20, 2014. Andy seconds. So moved.
b) Nate moves to approve the minutes of Emergency Meeting August 25, 2014. Andy seconds. So moved.
2. Additions to the Agenda
a) Peacham Elementary School concerns with traffic
b) Executive Session
c) Road Foreman Report
3. Nancy Bundgus and Church Driveway
a) The Church driveway is going to be regraded in next couple of weeks
b) Nancy believes that maintenance for the Church driveway is a community issue because so many park there for community events.
c) Nancy is also concerned about the grading difference between public roads and driveways as over times it creates roads that are higher than driveways.
4. Jock Gill about transfer station hours and compression braking in Peacham
a) Jock wants to commend Cindy and see if the Selectboard will do something in appreciation for the work she has done.
b) He believes the transfer station should be open on Wednesdays throughout the summer season.
c) He wants to commend the road crew as Bayley Hazen Road is in the best shape it has ever been.
d) Jock wants to put up a sign about restricting J-breaking in Peacham on Peacham Danville Road.
5. Neil Monteith with 3 estimates for tree on Governor Mattocks Road
a) Neil's recommendation is to go with the lowest bid, which is by Chris Baldwin, from Peacham.
b) Andy moves to take Neil Monteith's recommendation of Chris Baldwin for tree removal ASAP. Nate seconds. So moved.
6. Peacham Elementary School concern with traffic
a) There was an incident at the intersection of Bayley Hazen Road and South Main Street. Even with adult supervision, a student on a bicycle almost got hit by a car coming up the hill on South Main Street.
b) South Main Street is a blind hill and people speed coming up it.
c) Judy Markey, Principal, wants the Selectboard's support in promoting safe routes to school, which is a nationwide effort. Vermont Gov has a site about it.
d) Safe Routes to School consists of the 5 E's
Educate the public
Encourage participation
Evaluating success of current program and future program
Engineer a safe route to school zone
e) There may be grant money available
f) Annette suggests that some education materials be available for the November elections as there is a good turn out. She or a concerned parent will also attend the mandatory Safe Routes to School Grant meeting in order for Peacham to qualify for a grant.
g) Nate will be the Selectboard liaison with the school concerning this issue.
h) Sheriff said Peacham did not renew its contract with the Sheriff's office.
7. Magnus concern about East Peacham Road
a) Nate applied for a grant to fix East Peacham Road but it was rejected. Shauna said that it would probably be 2 years before we receive the grant for it. The Selectboard needs to reapply next year and by the 3rd year it should establish enough need to receive the grant.
b) For less than a mile of road it will cost between $250,000 and $400,000 to rip it up and do it right.
c) Jeremy is planning to patch the potholes on East Peach Road but he has recently been very busy with the County Road Box Culvert.
8. Transfer Station Position
a) There is only one applicant, Tom Gallinant. He happened to come to Town Hall and so was interviewed for the position.
9. Executive Session for legal and personnel matters
a) Nate moves to go into Executive Session at 7:20pm.
b) Nate moves to come out of Executive Session at 7:50pm. No action taken.
10. Review and approve bills
a) The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
b) Annette motions to allow Andy Cochran to sign the Cargill Contract. Nate seconds. So moved.
11. Review correspondence
a) The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.
Annette moves to adjourn. Andy seconds. So moved.
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