Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Schoolboard Meeting 6/18/14 Minutes

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Peacham School Cafeteria
Board:  Mark Clough, Jenny Land Mackenzie, Wynne Browne
Administration:  Judy Ross
Business Manager:  Jan Ouellette
Staff:  Cheryl Stevenson
Public:  Rick Scholes
1.  Meeting called to order at 6:10PM.
2.  Minutes of May 12 approved as written.
3  Public Input--  None.
4.  Administrative Reports
    A.  Principal’s Report
        --Academic Excellence Goal--  5 6th graders graduated;  congrats to Mrs. Brisco on a fine year.  2014 Thelma White Scholarship winner was Theresa White, a former PES grad attending Norwich Academy in the fall.
        --Effective Leadership---  Interviews complete for filling posted positions for the 2014-15 year.  Thanks to all who helped with this process.
        --School Climate and Social Education--  Dr. Josh co-presented a successful puberty program with Mrs. Brisco, Rose Sheehan (guidance) and Mrs. Ross;  we hope to make this an annual event.  Mrs. Ross, Mres. Brisco, Mrs. Sheehan, and hopefully a new staff member will attend a 4-day PBIS Institute from June 23-27 to help develop a specific behavior expectation program for the community of learners.  Barnet and Walden staff will also attend.
        --Community Building--  May 29 Concert a large success, with collaboration with Peacham Library community readers and talented musicians from PES.  PES will support Peacham’s July 4 celebration by hosting the BBQ lunch with the help of Chris Brimmer from the NE BBQ project.  Alice Ruffner and Bob and Jodie Campbell are working hard to make this event happen.  Looking for servers for the day!  Proceeds will benefit the Outdoor Space plans.  The school pumpkin-squash-etc. garden has been tilled (thanks, Robert Van Vranken!), and is being planted.  At the request of a community member, part of that space beyond the swing set will also be used as a community garden.  Cheryl Stevenson is coordinating the community members and staff as garden spaces are renovated.  Thanks to David Jacobs, Allen Thresher, Andrea Kane, Hanna Galinat and her class, Kathy Bennett and Alex MacClelland, too.
        --Professional Community--  Judy took part in the interview committee to hire a CCSU Math-Science Coach, and thinks the recommended candidate is excellent. She has met with and looks forward to work with the new superintendent, Mat Forest.
5.  Financial
    A.  Budget Adjustment--  Jan Ouellette explained an error made in the revenue portion of the FY2015 budget.  Correcting this error, which we are able to do as recommended by the Agency of Education, results in a higher tax rate than presented in Town Meeting.  This is not a change in the expense budget approved at Town Meeting in March.  There will be an increase of $32 per $100,000 property valuation.  The reason the school board agrees to do this now is because it will have a positive outcome concerning future tax rates.  For more detailed information, contact the school board.
    B.  Tax Anticipation Note--  Bids have come in for FY15 Tax Anticipation.  The most favorable bid came from Union Bank.  Wynne made a motion to accept Jan’s recommendation to use Union Bank by borrowing the full amount and investing;  Jenny seconded.  Mark recused himself from the decision.  
    C.  The board thanked Jan for her excellent help as business manager for the past three years.
6.  Old Business
    A.  Literacy assessment report--  certain classes made excellent growth.   Cohort data over time from the CCSU curriculum coordinator shows great improvement.  There are some dips in other classes.  Results from this assessment are difficult to analyze for a community of learners that is this small and changing.  In light of the new Common Core assessments that have been introduced this spring, literacy will continue to have focus as the most crucial skill linking the academic disciplines together with full support from the SU.
    B.  Capital projects--  updates.
--  Cheryl, Judy, and Mark met with the L.N. Consulting engineer and president, Wayne Nelson.  The committee will come up with a matrix of possible proposals for energy efficiency improvements and mechanical system upgrades for the school building for community members to review prior to town vote.  
--Cheryl gave an update on the shed--  working on getting a permit.  Work is scheduled to be completed this summer.  Thanks to Dave Stauffer for his leadership and donation of time on this project!
7.  New Business--  Approve Peacham calendar (2014-2015).  The board unanimously approved the calendar.
8.  The board entered executive session at 7:47PM for contracts and negotiations.  
9.  The board exited executive session at 9:07PM.  The board approved the principal’s recommendation to hire a grade 1-2 classroom teacher, a .2FTE art teacher, and a full time teacher who will cover library, technology integration, and student support services. The board also approved a two-year contract for the principal.
10.  Meeting adjourned at 9:08PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Land Mackenzie

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of the board members. Our email addresses are:
Thank you for your attention,
Mark, Jennifer and Wynne
The Peacham School Board

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