Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Caledonia County (finally) qualifies for federal Disaster Assistance

(News Release from VT Emergency Mgmt.) (7/12/2011) – More than $1 million in federal disaster aid has been approved for eligible applicants affected by the spring storms and flooding that occurred from April 23rd to May 9th.
Since President Obama issued a major disaster declaration on June 15th for these storms in the counties of Addison, Chittenden, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, and Orleans, over 800 people have registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The grants include $1,050,536 in housing assistance, such as rental and home repair assistance, and $25,820 in other needs assistance, such as replacement of personal property.
Caledonia and Washington counties recently received federal declarations on Friday, July 8, for storms and flooding that occurred May 26th to 27th.
FEMA assistance to individuals and families may include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-interest loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help individuals and families recover.

Those who have experienced damage or loss from the flooding in the designated counties can register for disaster assistance at 800-621-FEMA (3362). Multilingual registration assistance is also available. Those with a speech disability or hearing loss who use a TTY can call 800-462-7585 directly, or 800-621-3362, if using 711 or Video Relay Service. Registration can also be done online anytime at or through web-enabled mobile phone devices at
The following is a recap of activities and assistance provided by FEMA and its partners:
  • Community Relations: To help identify and assist those who have flooding damage, FEMA Community Relations field specialists have visited more than 2,500 homes, businesses, local agencies and community-based organizations, and houses of worship, and reached out to local officials, the visually impaired, deaf and those with limited English proficiency.
  • Disaster Recovery Centers: Currently, four DRCs are open throughout the state, where those with questions about assistance after the floods can visit with a federal recovery specialist face-to-face. Those looking for the nearest disaster recovery center can check online at or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-FEMA (3362).
  • Low-Interest Loans: The U.S. Small Business Administration offers low-interest, long-term disaster loans to homeowners and renters as well as businesses. Find more information at
·                     Job Loss Due To Disaster: You may be eligible for disaster unemployment assistance if the storms and flooding affected your ability to work. For more information call 877-214-3330 or visit
  • Legal Services: If you need legal assistance with home repair contracts, insurance claims and other disaster-related issues, you can call 800-889-2047 for free legal advice. The service is a partnership between Vermont Volunteer Lawyers Project, the Vermont Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and FEMA.

New Release from VT Emergency Mgmt. (7/9/2011)A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) has opened in Barre to assist individuals, households and businesses with disaster-related damage caused by the storms and flooding in late May in central Vermont

The DRC is staffed with disaster recovery specialists from various federal, state and local agencies and organizations who can provide information and answer questions about storm-related assistance.

The DRC is located at:  Barre Municipal Auditorium,16 Auditorium Hill, Barre, VT 05641
 The center will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week.

Disaster officials encourage those affected by the storms to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency before visiting a DRC by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362), online at or via a web-enabled mobile device at Multilingual registration assistance is available. Those with a speech disability or hearing loss who use a TTY can call 800-462-7585 directly; or call 800-621-3362 if using 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS).
Once someone is registered, staff at a center can quickly review and update applicant information and provide specific answers to individual questions and concerns. Center specialists can also identify possible help from voluntary agencies or provide disaster-related information to reduce future damage risks.

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