Monday, May 30, 2011

Responses to Flash Flooding

The town experienced unprecedented road damage from the storm the night of Thursday, 5/26/2011.  Peacham had more than 5" of rain in less than 3 hours, along with high winds, electrical storms, and flash flooding.  Most of our roads experienced washouts and undercutting.

The road crew responded through that same night by cutting downed trees, attempting to unplug culverts and divert water where possible, then lining up extra manpower and equipment for morning. 

For the next three days the road crew began work at 5:30am to get all roads at least minimally passable so people were not stranded in their homes.  By Sunday 5/29/11 when the gravel was gone and gravel yards closed for the holiday weekend, all homes are at least accessible to fire trucks or other emergency vehicles.

We thank the road crew, extra help, and the many volunteers who worked long hours through this weekend by organizing emergency responses, checking on neighbors, and countless other tasks.

Now a different phase of work begins to get the roads wider and safer.  And to hopefully get FEMA assistance to help pay for it.

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