Tuesday, May 13, 2014

About the Roads...

We know the town roads have been particularly rough & slow to improve this spring -- we are really sorry.  It's due to a perfect storm of deep frost rising slowly, the town grader being out of service for more than a week, & the road crew being down one man for a month.  They've been working long hard hours yet feeling more and more behind.  

The good news is the grader is fixed and we welcome Jeremy Withers from Danville as our new road foreman! They are playing catch up as quickly as possible, so thank you for your patience.

Also - on Wednesday 5/14 a culvert is being replaced on the Peacham-Groton road near the town line so the road will be closed there for a while - detour on Farrow Farm Road if you're going that way.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 3, 2014 - What a Day!

Saturday was amazing.  The rain held off and let us clean up our roads for Green Up Day.  We celebrated with a fabulous picnic and bbq at the Peacham Elementary School.  Many thanks to Lauren Collins, our Green Up Day Coordinator - and her special crew of volunteers - who made it such an enjoyable day, and who hauled countless bags of trash away.  And many thanks to all of you who spent a beautiful Spring morning picking up scores of beer cans and other litter, once again beautifying our community.

Organized by our town Tree Board, another group of volunteers planted 5 large trees at the main village intersection.  Thanks to these folks' hard work (& grant funds that paid for the trees) these new plantings will help reestablish the village tree canopy that residents have historically enjoyed. Thank you to the Tree Board members and the 28 volunteers of all sizes who got tired and muddy for the good of the town.  For more pics of tree planting, see our town PhotoBucket, Tree Planting 2014 album at this link:  http://s1083.photobucket.com/user/TownofPeacham/library/Tree%20Planting%202014%20May%2003