Monday, August 25, 2014

School Board Meeting 7/15/14 Approved Minutes

Downloadable minutes available at

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Tuesday, July 15, 2015
Browne Residence

Board: Wynne Browne, Mark Clough, Jenny Land Mackenzie
Administration: Mathew Forest, Judy Ross

1. Retreat called to order at 9:15 AM.

2. The board thanked Judy Ross and her staff for the good academic year that they had in 2013-2014. The board welcomed Mat, who presented the CCSU goals for the coming year (tiered systems of support in each school, data infrastructure to benchmark students and ensure that all students progress, curriculum development in Humanities and STEM, focus on high quality instruction, professional development, development of educationally and fiscally responsible budgets). He introduced the CCSU standards of behavior which has been reviewed by the administrative team. These will be revisited at the August 18 meeting. Discussions followed about marketing in Peacham to encourage young families to join the community, potential daycare options for staff and community parents, and the transition to the Common Core and focus on academics. Brief discussion of capital funds and school maintenance.

3. Retreat adjourned at 11:50 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Land Mackenzie

Selectboard Meeting 8/20/14 Minutes

Minutes available at the Town Clerk's Office or at

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There is a "View the Book" box on the left hand side of the page. Within that box, there is a "DOC" link. Click on the link to download the file.

If this does not work for you, you can always copy and paste the text from a blog post into a document. If you have any questions, please email Melissa at:

Town Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 6:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Andy Cochran at 6:30 P.M.

Selectboard Members: Andy Cochran and Annette Lorraine
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Others: Dick Blair, Cher Smith, Paul Evans, Jeremy Withers, Mike Bruton, Dick Hovey

  1. Neil Monteith will call the Selectboard re: tree in the right of way when he receives a bid for the job.
  2. Les will update the Selectboard about filling the Planning Commission seat at the September 3rd meeting.
  3. Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.

  1. Review and approve minutes of August 6, 2014
    1. Annette moves to accept the minutes of August 6, 2014 hearing as written. Andy seconds. So moved.
    2. Annette moves to approve the minutes of August 6 with all of the changes Andy and Annette made. Andy seconds. So moved.

  1. Additions to the Agenda
    1. Old town safe (add to roller barn)
    2. Executive session for Jeremy for personnel (will happen when he gets here maybe 7:15pm)
    3. Cher Smith

  1. MacKenzies' concern about tree in the road right of way
    1. Neil Monteith is still waiting for the estimate on the tree. Someone sent a bid in the mail. Neil will call the Selectboard as soon as he has the bid.

  1. Cher Smith
    1. She has not seen a posting on the vacancy on the Planning Commission. That needs to be posted within 10 days.
    2. She is concerned about the June 4th minutes. Cher saw two drafts of the unapproved minutes and she wanted to express concern that the line - “Andy and Nate decide to put the meeting on hold.” - was removed from the final draft allowing the Selectboard to move forward.

  1. Planning Commission/ DRB Update
    1. Les talking to Nick Commerci to see if he would like to serve on the Planning Commission.
    2. Update at next meeting - September 3rd. If Nick is not able to do it, Les is going to ask Greg Schoolcraft who is also on the DRB.

  1. Stop sign on Peacham Groton Rd/ Peacham Barnet Rd
    1. Moved to after Jeremy gets here (along with the Road Foreman Update).

  1. County Road Box Culvert
    1. Started today. Andy met with landowners Bill Goss and Ed Keenan. Everything went well.
    2. Selectboard signed the contracts for Ross Page and Ricker’s Excavation.

  1. Roller Barn
    1. Annette moves to accept the bid of C&C Bunnell and see how soon he can start the work. Andy seconds. So moved.
    2. Safe - PHA has accepted the safe now that they have the new archive building. Annette makes a motion that Peacham will sell the safe to the PHA for $1 and that Andy is authorized to sign the Bill of Sale agreement. Andy seconds. So moved.

  1. Executive Session for legal matters
    1. Annette moves to go into Executive Session for legal reasons for 7:04pm.
    2. Andy moves to come out of Executive Session at 7:07pm. No action taken.

  1. Stop Sign
    1. Jeremy talked to Shauna about stop sign. In order to put in a new stop sign the town must revise the stop sign ordinance for that intersection. Melissa will find out where we have ordinances about stop signs and road issues.
    2. Shauna said that most likely the intersection was engineered a certain way for a reason.

  1. Update from Road Foreman Jeremy Withers
    1. Private roads need to follow rules around signage but the owners have to pay for the signs themselves.
    2. Box Culvert - Jeremy going is going to hire Classens for the crane work.

  1. Executive Session for personnel matters
    1. Andy moves to go into executive session at 7:45pm for personnel matters.
    2. Andy moves to come out of executive session at 8pm.

  1. Review and approve bills
    1. The Selectboard reviewed and approved bills.
    2. It is okay with Annette if Andy signs a warrant to pay Bill Ricker the first third for the excavation of the County Road Box Culvert. Andy is in favor.

  1. Review correspondence
    1. The Selectboard reviewed correspondence.

Annette moves to adjourn at 8:12pm. Andy seconds. So moved.

Peacham Transfer Station Attendant Job Opening

Apply now for this position! 

Application available at the Town Clerk's Office or at

Job Description available at the Town Clerk's Office or at

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If this does not work for you, you can always copy and paste the text from a blog post into a document. If you have any questions, please email Melissa at:

Job Opening

Date:  8/20/2014

Job Title:  Peacham Transfer Station Attendant

Job Summary:  
The Transfer Station Attendant is responsible for the acceptance of trash and recyclable materials, and the general overall duties for the successful operation of the facility. The Attendant reports to the Peacham Selectboard.

Areas of Responsibility:
Handle money, including taking cash payments and making change. Be accountable for payments with the Town treasurer.
Assist Customers to identify and provide direction to recycle disposal materials
Must be able to deal effectively with the public
Maintain a neat and orderly work environment, including the proper maintenance of buildings and grounds
Attend the Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District Board of Supervisors Meetings in Lyndonville.
Field the occasional call during the week
Notify the Selectboard of any problems in a timely manner
Turn in weekly time sheet no later than noon on Wednesday.
Direct the activities of any volunteers or other town employees that are assisting at the Transfer station
Other responsibilities include calling the appropriate numbers for having the containers dumped, the compactor serviced, the propane heater services and porta pottie serviced. Monitoring the dumping and recycling to be sure things are in the correct spots and keeping things neat.
Other appropriate duties as needed or assigned

High-School diploma or GED equivalent
Experience in waste recycling preferred
Honesty, integrity and proven work ethic
Impeccable customer service skills, on phone and in person
Experience with the safe operation of a variety of hand tools, motorized equipment, and heavy equipment
Ability to follow directions
Ability to meet the physical demands of the position, including walking and lifting up to 50lbs
Ability to work in an industrial environment exposed to weather year round
Must have reliable transportation

Starting Date:  Sometime in September, 2014.  Currently the transfer station hours are Saturdays from 7:30am to 4pm

Position:  This is a part-time employment position approved for up to ten hours a week.  The position is hourly and is non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  Town Personnel policy available to review upon request or in Town Clerk’s office.

Pay:  Commensurate with skills or experience.

Application process:  Please submit the Job Application Form for Peacham Transfer Station Attendant. Copies are available: at the Town Clerk's office; online at; or by request via email from Clerk to the Peacham Selectboard at  Either email applications to and/or mail to the attention of the Peacham Selectboard, PO Box 244, Peacham, VT  05862. Applications can also be dropped off at the Town Clerk's office at 79 Church St, Peacham.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Schoolboard Meeting 8/18/14 Minutes

Follow this link:

There is a "View the Book" box on the left hand side of the page. Within that box, there is a "DOC" link. Click on it to download the file.

If this does not work for you, you can always copy and paste the text into a Word document. If you have any questions, please email Melissa at:

Monday, August 18, 2014
Peacham School Library

Board:  Mark Clough, Jenny Land Mackenzie, Wynne Browne
Administration:  Judy Ross, Mat Forest
Staff:  Cheryl Stevenson
Public:  Neil Monteith

1.  Meeting called to order at 6:10PM.

2.  Minutes of June 18 and July 15 approved as written.

3.  Open meeting law review--  Attorney Rick Scholes unable to attend--  this will happen next meeting.  

4.  Board of Civil Authority--  Neil Monteith is the town emergency management coordinator.  The subject of the installation and maintenance of a generator not now in existence was discussed and Neil will follow up with the School on this issue.

5.  Public input--  none.

6.  Administrative reports
A.  Principal’s Report
    --Academic Excellence Goal--  PES is preparing to implement STAR Reading and STAR Math online adaptive assessments for students in grades 1-6;  data will be used to create individualized instruction plans delivered through a multi-tiered system of supports to help students develop mastery of Common Core standards.  PES will be embedding a daily period of remediation/enrichment for all students;  these 6-week periods (called LEAP--  Learn, Explore, Assess, Progress) will be facilitated by staff with specific skills or interests and may be multi-aged small or large groups, beginning in mid-September.  A multi-tiered system of behavioral supports (MTSS-B) will be implemented for teaching and sustaining school-wide expectations to enable focused academic and social success.  PES staff will have training in both systems and have the opportunity to customize them to our specific student and school needs.  2014 NECAP AYP results have been released to VT schools. No school in the state including PES, met AYP goals for either Literacy or Math.  Secretary Holcombe has released statements to acknowledge the incongruity in this data and the actual progress VT schools are making.
    --Effective Leadership Goal--  Judy has attended several summer professional conferences, with staff members and alone, including the VPA 3-day conference focusing on supervision and evaluation of implementation of the CCSS and Next Generation Standards for Science, the 3-day MTSS-B conference to plan roll-out of the new behavior system;  a day-day 21st Century technology skills conference with the new tech integration/library person, Jen Williams.  Judy and Cheryl worked together closely to plan and review progress on building work;  the building will be ready for students on August 25.  Interviews are being scheduled for filling the PES 21C site coordinator position, working with Donna Gaston, the new CCSU 21C district coordinator.  Liz Ruffner is returning as 2nd in command.
    --School Climate and Social Education--  MTSS-B will be implemented with direct instruction as part of the Responsive Classroom platform during the first 6 weeks of school.  Students and staff will develop whole-school expectations for common areas (playground, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, bus, and specials.  Each classroom teacher will develop their specific classroom systems of expectations and outcomes.
    --Community Building Goal--  The 2014-15 Back to School Potluck Picnic will by 5:30-7:30 on Fri., Aug 22.  Work continues on the Outdoor Space using local contractors whenever possible.  Instructional units are being developed to emphasize community connections through place-based application of standards in all content areas.  PES will partner again this year with Becky Jensen and the town library to plan student and family events and learning opportunities.  Sean Markey will be assisting with an upgrade to the website to improve communication.
--Professional Community Goals--  Janice Brisco and Hanna Galinat are committed to working together as the Humanities and STEM content specialists for grades 3-6 to provide a vigorous academic program collaborating with Jen Williams,  the new tech integrationist.  Judy, Hanna, Sarah Parker and Jen Williams spent a day collaborating on curriculum planning in early August supported by stipends.  Paid summer curriculum work will be added to next year’s PD budget to acknowledge the professional contributions of the staff.  Teacher in-service are planned for August 21 with the entire CCSU staff at Barnet and for the 22nd at PES.  The focus will be reviewing and fine-tuning systems to ensure student safety and supervision at all times.  
--Arts and Languages Goal--  Ruth Kaldor will collaborate with classroom teachers to find meaningful connections between her program and curriculum goals.   The school is updating the environment and arrangement of the multi-purpose room.
--Other items--  PK-K enrollment is now 15 students, which is capacity.  Whole school enrollment is at about 48 with the addition of two previously homeschooled children in the 3 and 5-year group.  The school always welcomes back other homeschooled students for any and all parts of its program.
B.  Superintendent’s Report
    --Administrative Retreat--  the Administrative Team met on August 11 and 12 at Springfield College Campus, planning opening day activities for the faculty and staff on October 21 and 22, and the role of the SU goals.  The goal is to have the bulk of curriculum work completed by March.
    --Curriculum Team--  A CCSU curriculum team has been established to create units of study and common formative assessments in humanities and STEM.  This team will meet monthly.
    --The next CCSU board meeting will be on August 27.   
    --Caledonia Record--  Mat met with Todd Smith on August 5 after hearing from various board members throughout the SU about their concerns with negative press.  The meeting was productive and positive.

7.  Old Business
    --School engineering/energy efficient upgrade--  should collect input from townspeople giving all of the options before laying out a final proposal.  A building upgrade will cost money.  We need input into how the town wants to use the building long term, and the variety of uses it may have.  There is a lot of energy waste from the building, and if it is going to be used, it will need an investment.  The board will call a special meeting this fall to go over information.
8.  New Business
-- Marketing Committee.  Sean Markey is updating the website.  Mark proposed setting up a committee to work on promoting the school, and will make calls to set that up.  All info collected will be shared at the regularly scheduled public meeting.
--Mark shared info from the School and Municipal Leadership Conference on Education Property Tax and Funding Reform (August 14 in South Burlington).  Among other topics, there was a focus on towns structuring schools around K-6 local and 7-12 regionalized (as Peacham does).  Towns need common structure (school buildings become multi-purpose for other community uses).  There was a discussion about making more efficient state-wide teacher contracts.  There was a discussion about cost drivers in education, local board control, and Act 68-Funding.
--Building Report--  Cheryl reported that there are now blinds and shades in all windows for a lockdown situation.  There is a new floor in the entryway, and some new painting will happen soon.  The grounds are being made safer and more open for better supervision--  the big play structure is down, with the two towers saved for play areas.  Sand is the correct depth under the swings.  The bushes are cut back, and there was additional trimming and bush-hogging.  There will be further long-term plans for the playground.  Allen Thresher and his crew have helped so much with the work to date.  Raised beds and the shed are still in progress.  Permits for the shed should come soon.  The shed needs to be erected soon for storage purposes.

9.  The board entered executive session at 8:02PM for a legal discussion and to approve a negotiated teacher contract.

10.  The board exited executive session at 8:35PM.  There was a unanimous decision for Mark to sign the negotiated teacher contract.

11.  Meeting adjourned at 8:37PM.  Next meeting will be on Monday, September 8 at 6pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Land Mackenzie

Monday, August 18, 2014

Tree Board Meeting 8/12/14 Minutes

Peacham Tree Board Meeting Notes
August 12, 2014
David Jacob’s Home, East Peacham

Present: Neil Monteith, David Jacobs, Bruce Maclean, Dave Stauffer, Julie Lang

Meeting began at 7:10 with all members of the Tree Board in attendance. The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

  • Debrief May tree planting and ash awareness (purple ribbons and display)
  • Follow-up on 2013 Vermont Canopy Grant (Bruce will be submitting invoices and hours)
  • Ash inventory plans for 2014 (timing and priority locations)
  • Additional EAB awareness ideas
  • Additional work for 2014/15?
    • Hackberry near PHA
    • Plantings near new PHA building
    • Maintenance
    • Peacham School plans (David J)
May Tree Planting
Participants in the May tree planting agreed it was a success with nearly 30 members of the community lending a hand to plant trees near the main intersection in Peacham village. Bruce collected the volunteer hours and will follow up with Stan Fickes and Danielle Fitzko to ensure that all necessary paperwork and invoices are submitted so the town will receive the proceeds from the $1500 grant. Stan has already paid $1100 to Northern Nurseries for the trees and $172 to Joe Layn for mulch.

Tree Health
There is some concern about the tree on the corner of Dru Powden’s property. Leaves came out and then died back. We will continue to keep an eye on it – it might have been “shocked.”

Thanks to Neil for cutting down the crabapple at Fickes’ that had died.

The hackberry at the PHA that has been in soggy soil is looking a little better with the new drainage installed for the archival building. We’ll continue to monitor its health.

Emerald Ash Borer Awareness
There was limited response to the Emerald Ash Borer Awareness efforts, which included a walk led by Neil, purple ribbons on ash trees between the three villages and a display that was up at the Town Hall and Library.

Ash Inventory
In October, we are planning to conduct a simple ash inventory to count trees in the rights of way within and between the three villages and on the main roads. This will allow us to estimate the approximate future cost of tree removal, once the borer has been discovered locally. It is likely a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if.’ We’ll continue our efforts to education through displays and an announcement at Town Meeting.

Hardwoods in the cemetery will need pruning this winter.

Priorities for 2015
We do not have a grant for 2015; we will ask for a $2000 budget for 2015 for tree planting and maintenance. If any private landowners would like trees planted in their right-of-way, we would consider doing the planting if they are willing to purchase the trees.

Yet to be determined are new plantings around the PHA Archive building and in the new Peacham School plans.

Tree Board will meet again in January 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.

Auditors Meeting 8/15/14 Minutes

Selectboard Meeting 8/20/14 Agenda


Wednesday, August 20, 2014  6:30pm

1. Call to order

2. Review and approve minutes of July 16, 2014

3. Additions to the Agenda

4. MacKenzies' concern about tree in the road right of way

5. Planning Commission / DRB Update

6. Stop Sign on Peacham Groton Rd/ Peacham Barnet Road Corner

7. Road Foreman Update

8. County Road Box Culvert

9. Roller Barn

10. Executive Session to discuss communications from out town attorney

11. Review and approve bills

12. Review correspondence

13. Adjourn

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

County Road Closure coming up

Peacham's County Road near 1061 (Bill Goss place) will be closed for installation of a large box culvert over the next few weeks, beginning Wed, August 20, weather permitting.  Detour using Green Bay Loop, Field Road or Great Road.  Sorry for the inconvenience but this new large culvert will hopefully prevent the washouts we've experienced there in recent storm events.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Selectboard Meeting 8/6/14 Minutes


Selectboard Public Hearing 8/6/14 Minutes

Town Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, August 6, 2014  6:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order by Chair of the Board Andy Cochran at 6:30 P.M.

Selectboard Members: Andy Cochran and Annette Lorraine
Clerk to the Board: Melissa Laurita Kohl
Others: Dick Blair, Cher Smith, Paul Evans, Jeremy Withers, Patrice McDonnough, Diana Senturia, Ann Mills, Frank Miller

1. There was an amendment to the zoning bylaws that were previously adopted by the Selectboard. However, it was brought to Selectboard’s attention that there were some irregularities in the noticing of the amendment. Annette ask for comments.
2. With no comments Annette makes a motion to adopt the previously adopted flood hazard regulations. Andy seconds. So moved.

Annette moves to adjourn at 6:32pm. Andy seconds. So moved.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tree Board Meeting 8/12/14 Agenda

Tree Board Agenda 081214.doc

Board of Civil Authority Property Tax Assessment Appeals 8/1/14 Minutes


Peacham Planning Commission Meeting 8/5/14 Minutes

PPC Minutes 8-5-14.docx

Monday, August 4, 2014

Selectboard Meeting 8/6/14 Agenda


Wednesday, August 6, 2014 6:30pm

  1. Call to order

  1. Review and approve minutes of July 16, 2014

  1. Additions to the Agenda

  1. MacKenzies' concern about tree in the road right of way

  1. Frank Miller and PAMfest requests

  1. Cindy Miller move and Transfer Station job opening

  1. Set the tax rate

  1. Road Foreman Update

  1. County Road Box Culvert

  1. Roller Barn

  1. Executive Session to discuss communications from out town attorney

  1. Review and approve bills

  1. Review correspondence

  1. Adjourn   

Selectboard Public Hearing Agenda


Wednesday, August 6, 2014 6:30pm

  1. Call to order
  2. The previously adopted Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws to include the Flood Hazard Regulations and a minor subdivision amendment for lot line adjustments
  3. Adjourn